Monday, May 02, 2011

Month in training

Numbers are a bit down from last month except for running and that's in large part why the other numbers are down. But running is feeling much better, piriformis is better, and I feel confident both will continue to improve this month.

Was surprised to see I'd lost only .8 lb for the whole month. Somehow it felt like more than that. Those final 4 lbs will be the goal for this month. I'm busy with either a class or agility trial for every single weekend this month (and on into June) so I'm going to have to get creative with getting enough training in since another goal is to increase biking and running volume.

Swim: 25,050 yards/10 hours, 30 mins.

Mountain Bike: 108.8 miles/12 hours, 9 mins.

Run: 21.85 miles/5 hours, 47 mins.

Power Hike: 3.5 miles/1 hour, 53 mins.

Total Training Hours: 25 hours, 19 mins.

120.5 lbs (-.8 lbs)

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