Today was weave pole/tunnel day. Strum did awesome with his weave entries, I was stunned. The only one he missed was coming out of a tunnel and the tunnel was very close to the weaves so he had to collect hard and early. It took him 4 tries even though I cued the weaves verbally while he was still in the tunnel. But he finally got it, what an awesome boy.
Practice 3-10-2011 from colliebrains on Vimeo.
The exercises where from a Clean Run Backyard Dogs, I don't know which one, so I can't print them here but they were short and obvious enough you can see what's going on in the video. We added in the A-frame, what they hey, wanted to get some contact practice in. Strum missed the first one but I called it and had him redo it and he was perfect for the other reps.
Overall I could have gotten more collection in some places but I think we did a nice job and I remembered to keep my eye on him. Had a nice lateral send at the end of Exercise #3 and was able to get far enough ahead to put in a front cross after a tunnel-whee ha! I think maybe some of the seminar lessons actually sank in though I did have one botched forward send.
Running Dogwalk
I finally looked at the video from yesterday's nightmare of a practice and on paper it doesn't sound as bad as I thought: 9/15 (60%). That's still bad but I thought it was more around 30%. Unfortunately the misses are on the full dogwalk while the hits are mostly back chaining of the down plank. I cut the video short, even I don't want to sit through 15 reps. You get the gist of what's happening. Set-up was jump-dogwalk-tunnel-treat gizmo.
Today I decided we needed some success so before handling practice I set up the treat gizmo at the end of the dogwalk for a couple reps. then replaced it with a jump for a couple more. I didn't put a jump in before the dogwalk. Technically he was 4/4 (100%) but two of the hits were high for my liking and sloppy looking. But it felt so good to have some success. I think the new plan will be to continue with the successful set-up for one more practice, start the next practice with the jump then after several good reps. replace the jump with the tunnel and see if he can maintain success.
Love that first video. Fantastic weave entrances... and I can't get over how responsive and scopey he is.