Tuesday, March 02, 2010

You gotta love engineers

I had a job interview today and this super genius guy, top of his field working on all this crazy smart, innovative ground breaking type stuff who's interviewing me has a 2"-3" long hole in his pants right across his butt.  I'm dressed up in the fanciest clothes I have and pantyhose no less and I'm staring at this guy's underwear.  Too funny.  At least I didn't have dog kibble on my butt which was a problem I noticed at the last minute at one of my last interviews.  Here's a tip kids, clean off your car seat before you sit down on it in your fancy business suit. 

If they decide they like me I have to go back for a personality test, some other kind of psychological test, an IQ test and an engineering test.  Funny thing is I'm not sure which one I would do the worst on.


  1. LOL - Elayne thanks for the laugh!

    On a related note, we now have to keep lint rollers in the cars to remove the doghair before you go and present yourself as a "dog person" when you'd rather not!

  2. Good luck! Just remember, only mention the word "dogs" ONCE on the psych test :-)

  3. I'm afraid I need more than lint rollers in my car. And the smell. Even Jonny was complaining about it the other day and wondering if maybe I shouldn't go into these interviews smelling like wet Reservoir dogs.

    I think maybe I've got a bit more than the dog obsession to worry about with the psych test. Though I did catch myself thinking the place can't be half bad when I saw one of the workers had a calendar with Border Collies on it hanging in his office.

  4. Oh my, that's hilarious. I suffered a similar wardrobe malfunction this week at work. Had to go home and change pants. Thank goodness I realized it early enough in the day that no one else saw. There are some benefits to starting work at 7am!

    I bet your car smells fine. Or at least, it would to me.

    Good look with all of your interviews.

  5. i've decided, through years of hiring and interviewing, that gut feel is the best way to find good matches and all the testing is just a stalling technique. But that's just me. And you're not the one who needs that advice. :-)

  6. Oh, yeah, P.S., good luck!

  7. Thanks for the laugh. Fingers crossed.

  8. Wishing you the best with your interviews. Engineers are either the best or the worst to work with (or live with.)

    We constantly have sheets and towels over all the seats in the van. On the rare occasion there is not an animal along and we might want to be hair or drool free (very rare) we can remove the coverings.


  9. The dogs don't usually go on the front seats and they don't attract hair anyway (Honda Element) but the darn kibble gets in the cracks of the seat and normally I barely notice it.
