Monday, September 22, 2008

Photos, Just Because

I'm way way behind on stuff I want to write about but no time at the mo. I was playing around with my new camera lens so here are some photos. I'm going to take a photography class this winter, really I am.

Miss Lola playing up her cuteness

Mr. Guaranteed Personality giving me a dorky smirk

Cody Baloney


  1. Awww, great faces. They all look like so much fun :)

  2. those are great pics...

    we thought that picking up a book about photography from the store will be sufficient, but apparently is not

  3. Oh I don't know Pacco, I think you've got some great photos on your blog. And yeah, my crew is pretty fun. When they're not being evil little stinkers and ganging up on me.
