Monday, March 14, 2005

Brave New World

This is my first new post in my new blogspot blog after FINALLY getting all my old posts moved over from the V-Boards. I'm going to try to separate my dog stuff from my triathlon training so those interested in one or the other can skip the stuff they're not interested in.

No swimming at all this week due to pool closures and my impending senility (forgot my suit at home one day). 4 days of running 3-4 miles, nothing fancy. I managed one lunch time bike ride, one spinnning class and a not too long ride on Saturday. I wasn't feeling up to much on Sat. but it was in the mid-60's and sunny so I forced myself up Poorman Hill, which is a dirt road that connects 2 of the main canyons in Boulder. I ride up one canyon, up & over Poorman Hill, then down the other canyon & home. Only 15-16 miles but it's a though climb. Saw a really bizarre sundog (rainbow like formation in the clouds). Probably almost crashed several times trying to watch it and pedal uphill at the same time. If a car doesn't get me one of these days my stupidity will. It was cool though, a rainbow pattern on the edges of a jagged cloud and big, multiple rainbow streaks through the middle of the cloud. I've seen sundogs in Telluride but never one like this.

I'll get back to posting weekly mileage at the end of this week (honest!). Still need to work out the details of my June 1/2 IM. It seems a bit of pressure right now, starting to think I should wait until fall.

Sunday I woke up to 7" of snow on my deck and headed over the North Boulder Park where they groom a cross country ski trail. The park was really busy but it was fun. I only managed 45 minutes then got bored doing laps. I've been needing a rest day so I took it pretty easy but I couldn't resist the opportunity to ski for free 5 minutes from my house.

Did some distance work with Lola during the week. Mostly worked on jumps at a distance-pinwheels, serpentines, layering jumps, etc. The hardest thing for her seems to be the 'go on' cue for more than 2 jumps and the 'get out' cue without a lot of body language from me. I worked on her contacts too. Got a perfect fast dogwalk with no creeping and called it quits.

I was the only one at course run throughs on Saturday morning because everyone was at an AKC trial. But someone had set up a novice/open level course so I took both dogs and we had the place to ourselves. Cody was absolutely flying, beautiful contacts, popped his weaves once but had them pretty solid after that. I'm still worried about his shoulder but I feel stupid dragging him an hour up to Loveland when he's showing no other signs of lameness. Lola flew around that easy course too, got all her contacts, even did a quick down on the table. Why can't these dogs do this at a trial???!!! Crazy mutts. I must be all kinds of stupid for taking on this sport.


  1. Glad you found a home for all of this; hope this place works out for you. I'll be reading!

  2. Thanks for pointing this place out to me, Ed! I'm eternally grateful.
