Sunday, October 30, 2011

October DOCNA Trial

I'm a bit behind on posting a report for this trial.  Was in Chicago last week with no internet except for phone internet and do not even get me started on the frustrations of phone internet.  How do people stand it?  I could barely answer the emails I had to answer, took me half an hour to type 2 sentences.  Anyway all the blogging I had planned went right out the window.

Highlight of the trial for me was Sunday's Standard run.  Got called on the dogwalk but still it was fun, 5.32 yps, fastest run in the entire class.  And also the North America Challenge at the end of the day, got a Q and took 1st place.  I had to do a double take at the yps though since it seemed slow at 4.56 yps but when I watched the video I realized I had some wasted time at an A-frame/tunnel turn and a wide turn somewhere else.  Still was a fun run and we're qualified for DOCNA Champs in 2012 in Golden if Xterra Nationals doesn't work out.  Nice to have that to fall back on and would be a good warm-up for USDAA Nat's. so I was pleased to get those Q's.  We also had a clean run in Saturday's NAC so we've even got an extra Q and it was some kind of NAC title.

NAC and Standard runs

Was happy to discover some new music yesterday, a new album by a band called Banner Pilot.  Song on the video is Spanish Reds.  Finally some new music for me even if it sounds like Jawbreaker circa the mid-90's.  At least I've stepped out of the 80's.

I fell down hard in Saturday's Jumpers at a pinwheel to serpentine section that was identical to something we had in the Finals at Champs that I blundered a little there as well.  It's mostly due to not trusting Strum on a lateral send and being too far behind for the serpentine.  This time around my timing was worse than at Champs and the poor dog took me out at the knees then he got scared when I fell and started running out of the ring.  I called him back though and we finished the course though way over time.  I thought we'd had a great run for the second Jumpers run then saw my score and people told me Strum had run past a jump.  How did I not notice that?  I was so sure I was watching him.  Oh well, was otherwise really nice.

Missed dogwalks caused 2 NQ's (one standard, one Snakes and Ladders).  Still too many missed weave pole entries.  No bars down though, I'm starting to think that footing plays a big part.  Teeters were mostly looking good.  A-frames were perfect.  This is starting to sound like a broken record.

Overall a fun trial.  Still a bit bored with DOCNA courses though.  I've got DOCNA trials in Dec. and Feb. because they're only 20 mins. from my house and nothing else is going on either month but after Feb. I might not do any DOCNA until the end of next year.  Going to focus on qualifying for USDAA Nationals and give myself a break from the pinwheels and serpentines.

Final Stats

Specialist North American Challenge Saturday Q-2nd place (clean run)

Specialist North American Challenge Sunday Q-1st place (clean run)

Specialist Strategic Time Gamble Q - 7th place

Trigility Q - 3rd place

Specialist Gamblers Title

Specialist North America Challenge Title

Qualified for 2012 Champs.

3/5(60%)  Though I think we got a gift on one of them

100%, not sure how many we did, at least 6 or 7

7/7 - 100%, though some were close

Weave pole entries
4/8 (50%)  Approx.  Can't remember exactly.

Bars down
No bars down, yee ha.


  1. nice job. Hope to see you at some USDAA trials.

  2. Sounds like a good trial and a blistering Standard run for sure! Love how he accelerates the whole way across the dogwalk, looks way more fun than a stopped contact but I can appreciate a lot more challenging to train and handle as well.

  3. Yeah, 5.3+ yps in a standard run is awsome! We typically get that in jumpers runs. Those running contacts must be paying off.

    Congrats on qualifying for nationals.
