Thursday, February 27, 2014

Finally Some Agility Practice

Of course I pick the hottest day of the year to get some agility practice.  It looks dreary in the video but in reality the sun was shining and it was nearly 60 degrees.  We had to cut practice short because poor Strummer's tongue was down to his knees after just 2 exercises.

2014-2-27-Practice from colliebrains on Vimeo.

I was pleased considering that I can't remember the last time we trained.  I tweaked my 'good' knee, which is not so very good but not as bad as my bad knee, last week doing hill repeats in the freezing cold and it's not quite 100% so I practiced rear crosses since the fronts were making the knee complain.  Plus we need practice with the rears.  I've been taking TRX classes through a Groupon type deal and my quads are in a constant state of jello from these classes which is why I think I tweaked my knee on the hills.  So I've cut back on other training this week, only swimming and going to TRX and being careful with the squats and lunges.  I realized I have a 3 day agility trial next week so I need to make sure it heals completely by then.

So far the lowering of the carbs in my diet has been almost a non-issue.  The one thing I need to work out is how much food to eat.  Previously I've always eaten when I was hungry, stopped when I was full and that's worked out well.  When I sat down and actually worked out the calories I was eating it was freaky how close they were to what I needed without ever planning it out or thinking about it.  But now I'm not hungry and last night I had what felt like a very filling dinner but in hindsight was probably only around 250 calories.  I wasn't hungry when I woke up and didn't want to eat before TRX class at 7:00 a.m. and about 40 minutes into class I started getting dizzy.  Though I wasn't the only one so it could also have been the toughness of the workout.  Anyway, I may have to start planning meals and thinking about calories since I can't rely on hunger anymore.  Once the keto-adaptation takes place in a couple few weeks it should be a non-issue for but now I'm kind of in limbo.  So far an interesting and fun experiment.

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