Lola, left back; Cody, right back; Maggie, front center

Monday, March 21
Wasn’t feeling too spunky so I ran/walked Lola only a mile or so to save myself for swimming master’s at night. Missing swim workouts is the worst for me, I lose what little I have so quickly. Swimming went o.k. considering. There was only one guy in my lane and we were about the same speed so we switched off leading and it worked out pretty well. Around 2700 yards.
Tuesday, March 22
Two projects due at work today and I had to go in early so I skipped the morning workout and figured I’d go to spinning after work. Think again, workout was cancelled. Today turned into a rest day for me but not for Lola. I took advantage of the spare evening to stop at the agility field after work for a quick practice. Worked on her ‘go on’ cue and some more distance stuff. We’ll get those Elite Gamblers legs yet. One of my instructors was there working her Border Collie and they were just amazing to watch. She can send him to the dog walk and he’ll race to the bottom on the far side and stop waiting for his next cue while she just stands there at the start of the walk. For those who don’t do agility, believe me this is something. Lola has terrible dog walk problems lately and I’m so envious. I’d be happy if she’d just do the whole walk without stopping on the down ramp and barking her fool head off at me (or the judge) then leaping over the contact zone, causing yet another missed Q.
Wednesday, March 23
4 mile trail run in the a.m. with Lola. I felt o.k., not terrible, not great. It was a damp cloudy morning, unusual for Boulder so it was kind of nice. The tops of the hills were peeking out from the fog, very cool.
My husband’s mountain biking group was supposed to go riding tonight then come to our house afterwards for dinner but there was a little bit of rain so they wussed out and decided to sit on their asses watching movies, eating lasagna and drinking beer in our very cramped living room. These people rode in the dark after work all winter long through all kinds of hideous weather conditions and a little rain in March sends them to the couch. I guess even the most hardcore need to relax and blow off a ride every once in a while.
One of the women in the group brought her Australian Cattle Dog puppy Maggie, and Lola was instantly in love. After a few initial sniffs she went into an enthusiastic tail wagging play bow and it was Game On! They wrestled and played while Lola barked her head off, wreaking havoc in the already overcrowded living room. Meanwhile the guys were laughing their heads off at ‘Napolean Dynamite’. How they could hear the movie over the doggie bedlam was beyond me. Cody had to join into the fracas, playing the ‘Fun Police’ and barking at the two rabble rousers to quit their damn rough housing in the house. Cody has a pretty strong sense of decorum and doesn’t stand for shenanigans from other dogs (or people). Lola somehow outlasted the puppy and kept trying to get her to play long after she had pooped out. When it was time to go Maggie started following her owner out the door then turned around, tucked her tail between her legs and ran back inside, straight onto our couch much to her owner’s horror. I thought it was great that she’d had such a good time she didn’t want to leave her new doggie friends. Cody heaved a big old sigh of relief when the house finally returned to normal. Somehow this evening did not further my campaign of convincing my husband to get a third dog.
Finally back in the pool. Missing a week usually means I’ll pay once I start back and it wasn’t pretty but it wasn’t too terrible either. I had to lead the majority of the workout which makes it harder for me since I can’t draft or pace off of anybody.
Warm up:
300 yards, mix of freestyle, non-free and kick with fins
Warm up set:
3x75 free on 1:30
3x50 non-free on 1:10
3x25 kick on :50
2x75 free on 1:25
2x50 non-free on 1:05
2x25 kick on :45
1x75 free on 1:20
1x50 non-free on 1:00
1x25 kick on :40
Main set :
All freestyle, first set of 150’s can be pull
3x150 on 2:45
2x50 on :55
3x150 on 2:50
2x50 on 1:00
3x150 on 2:55
2x50 on 1:00
6x25, kick or non-free, on :45
TOTAL: 3000 yards
I managed the first set of 150’s on 2:30-2:35 (pulling with paddles) so I had some decent rest. The set was meant to be a moderate effort with little rest. I cheated for the first 150 of the second set and pulled but the rest was swimming. I did the rest of the 150’s on 2:50-2:55 or so so I had little rest. I had a hard time keeping up a decent pace but wasn’t too tired when I got home. Hopefully by next week I’ll be back to normal in the pool.
Well, here it is. The non-controversial controversial snowshoe race report that stirred up one of the most assinine arguments I've ever had with another human being (or dog for that matter, and that's saying a lot). For those that missed the whole brouhaha, consider yourselves lucky.
I was lying on the couch after my first snowshoe race this morning listening to an album called ‘Alabama Ass Whuppin’’ by a band called Drive By Truckers. They describe an Alabama Ass Whuppin’ as a whuppin whereby the whupper yells at and derides the whuppee while the whuppin’ is taking place. Then while the victim is lying broken and bleeding on the ground the whupper asks him if he wants some more and the victim must beg and plead for it to stop. This is pretty much how my race went today.
The race took place at Eldora Ski resort which is about 45 minutes from my house in Boulder and at an elevation of just under 9000 ft. or so. Eldora is legendary for its windy conditions and though it’s a beautiful sunny morning in Boulder, the wind is gusting which is not a good sign. Sure enough as soon as I get out of the canyon and hit the mountain town of Nederland I’m greeted by big gusting swirls of wind and snow. Usually when this happens I decide there are much more hospitable places to be and plenty of other fun things to do and head straight back down the canyon. But I’ve already paid for the race so dammit I’m going. By the time I hit the road to Eldora the car is nearly being blown off the road. There are beautiful cloudless blue skies everywhere except for Eldora, which is shrouded in clouds. When I get out of the car it’s not really that cold and the front soon lifts bringing back the blue sunny skies but when the wind gusts, which is often, it’s strong and bone chilling.
I pile on tons of clothes to go wait in line for my number and by the time I get back to the car to wait for the start I’m freezing. It’s really easy to overdress for snowshoeing and I figure the course is pretty hilly and in the woods, sheltered from the wind so I probably don’t need so many clothes. I take them off and head for the start line but I just can’t do it. I don’t care how hot I’ll get, I’m freezing now so I put all the clothes back on figuring I can always take them off later if I really get that hot. This turns out to be a wise decision, I never get too hot and by the finish I’m thankful for every last piece of fleece.
The race starts up a huge hill and I have to walk most of it but I figure that’s o.k., I can walk the steep uphills and run the flats and the downhills just like for trail races. Except that the race is approximately 3 percent flat and the downhills are so steep that I’m sliding down them like I’m on skis more than I’m really running down them. The first big hill is really not so bad since it’s on a heavily used packed trail. However the course soon goes off onto unpacked single track through deeper than knee deep snow. The trail is packed down a bit from the racers in front of me but there are still several inches of loose snow to slide around in. And then there’s the traffic jam. I’m soon stuck behind an endless line of racers and I’m forced to walk. Sometimes the line comes to a complete stop when someone falls or has some problem and blocks the trail. Trying to pass people through the deep unpacked snow is out of the question, it’s too much work and the line of people is so long I can’t see the start of it. But the worst of it is that I’m having a terrible time keeping my balance. I manage to fall twice walking uphill right at the start of the singletrack. It doesn’t hurt but it takes up energy pulling myself up out of the snow. A few other people stumble and fall a bit too but I seem to be the only one constantly tripping over my feet and waving my arms in the air trying to keep my balance. Oh and did I mention my lungs feel like they’re going to explode the entire time? The whole course is either straight up or straight down and the downhills are so steep and scary that you can’t really recover very much. I’m still incredulous that I managed to get down all those hills without falling or getting intimate with a tree or another racer. I don’t think I’ve ever sworn so much during a race. After a half an hour I’d had enough. After 40 minutes if there was some way I could have gotten off that freakin’ mountain and DNF’d I would have done so GLADLY. Unfortunately the only way off was to keep going. At that point the trail widened a bit and people were able to pass each other. I was pretty well trashed but apparently so were a lot of people around me. Someone would manage to run for a little spurt then have to walk and fall behind again. It felt like everything was in slow motion, like those stupid dreams where something is chasing you and you feel like you’re running really hard but you’re barely moving.
Finally I could hear the loudspeaker for the race and see faint glimpses of the finish area through the trees so I started picking up the pace as best I could, mainly because I just wanted to be done. But the course took several more twists and turns through the woods so I ended up exhausting myself too early. Finally we got out of the woods onto the final stretch only to be greeted head on by the freezing, horrible wind. I had to stop and walk just 60 yards or so from the finish line. Two people passed me but I had a great big case of ‘I don’t give a damn’ and I let them go. I managed to run the last 20-30 yards or so but didn’t try to catch them. I don’t think it’s ever taken me so long to catch my breath after a race. My time is 55.10. I figure this can’t be very good and there were so many people in front of me I probably didn’t do all that well. I grab a double chocolate chip muffin (this race director always has great post race food) and head back to the warmth of Boulder without even thinking twice about hanging around for the awards or raffle.
Now I’m hardly a neophyte snowshoer and I’ve been to Eldora a zillion times to ski and I’ve seen those wicked steep looking snowshoe trails but I still can’t believe how crazy that course was. I’m so glad I didn’t sign up for the 10k! I think I can say with a fair degree of certainty that that was the beginning and end of my snowshoe race career. I’ll stick to nice recreational romps in the woods with my dogs and husband.
Driving back through town people are out in the sun in shorts riding their bikes and I decide to go out for a ride as soon as I get home. Except that once I hit the couch I can’t move. I manage to hobble for a 2 mile walk with Lola later on but that’s all I can manage. I’ve decided this is the end of winter racing for me.
I checked the race results this morning just out of curiosity and nearly choked on my breakfast when I saw that I got third place (out of 11) in my age group. It turns out they cancelled the awards ceremony and raffle because of high winds so they’ll send me my prize (whatever it is) in the mail. I’m a bit incredulous but pretty excited. Hardware in my first snowshoe race is just too cool even if I did have to suffer an Alabama Ass Whuppin’ for it.
Monday, January 24
Tonight at master’s I felt like I was turning into a pool nazi. A guy insisted on leading the lane but it was a really complicated workout and he couldn’t keep track of what we were supposed to do and he couldn’t get the intervals right. The woman behind me was losing her mind andI was pretty frustrated too. The coach had even written it down for us and he still couldn’t keep it straight! I had to keep telling him when to go and what to do. Finally the woman behind me and I agreed I should lead and we had to pressure him to step down. On the one hand I hate to take these workouts too seriously and be rude to people but on the other hand there’s n opoint in doing them if you don’t follow what the coach has laid out. I hate leading the lane, especially when it’s such a complicated workout but in the end I managed to keep it together somehow. 3100 frustrating yards.
Tuesday, January 25
Master’s again tonight. I don’t think I’ve ever gone twice in a row before but my regular Thurs.workout is cancelled and I really want to swim twice this week. I ended up having to lead the lane again and I felt fine for about 45 minutes then I was just dead in the water and had to drop behind. I think 2 days in a row is just too much for me. My hamstrings were still a little tight from the weekend’s long bike ride which wasn’t helping.
Wednesday, Jan. 26
Standard 3 mile trail run ‘round Wonderland Lake with Lola.
Thursday, Jan. 27
A repeat of Wednesday. Yes, I’m stuck in a rut.
Friday, Jan. 28
Saturday, January 29
Today is a big day for Lola. I’m taking her for a herding instinct test to see if she’s any good at sheep herding. This isn’t something you can really train, a dog either has the instinct or they don’t. Lola does all the classic Border Collie herding moves, ie crouching, stalking, giving ‘eye’, circling, etc. but she’s never had the chance to show off her moves on actual sheep. I’m a little nervous about this. I’m a city girl, I spent the first 6 yearsof my life in an apartment and I know nothing about sheep. Will she get kicked/stomped/trampled? Will I get kicked/stomped/trampled? How much can you provoke a sheep before they bite? Exactly how much sheep poop will I have to step in? And the herding people are weird to say the least. They yell and whistle and wave big sticks around. Will poor Lola freak out? I don’t have time for another dog sport but I’m curious about Lola’s possible herding talents and I feel like I’m denying her the one activity that she’s been programmed by breeding to do.
I take her for a 6 mile trail run in the morning to take a bit of the edge off her. I’m guessing her first reaction when she’s set loose on the sheep will be to rush at them straight on barking and snapping out of over excitement. This is NOT what you want but I’m thinking that once she gets it out of her system she’ll calm down and the herding thing will kick in. I figure if she’s had a good run she’ll calm down much easier.
The farm is about 50 minutes away and Lola naps most of the way. When we get there she seems remarkably calm even though there are lots of other keyed up dogs waiting their turn at the sheep as well as some dogs in a large field doing actual herding. An enormous Rottweiler is guiding a large flock around a big field while the instinct test is taking place next door in a small pen with just 3 sheep. It turns out these sheep have either their upper or lower teeth removed (can’t remember which) and for some reason they supposedly don’t kick. The woman conducting the test clearly knows what she’s doing too so by the time it’s our turn I’m feeling better about things. She tells me it will be easier if we start out with just her in the pen and me outside which is fine by me. Lola charges the sheep while barking & snapping as predicted and the woman keeps her from actual contact through body language. After a few charges Lola runs off sniffing around the pen, stops to pee, runs over to me-all classic signs of stress. Then she charges the sheep again, then runs off and repeats. It becomes clear that she’s actually scared of the sheep and the whole experience is just stressing her out. The woman agrees but tells me we’ll give her a chance to calm down and try again. I agree but I’m not optimistic. Lola came to me with some fear issues as an 8 week old puppy. I did a lot of work with her as a pup and she’s come a long way but it’s hard to fight genetics and I’m afraid her default response to new things will always be fear barking (and snapping if I let it get that far). Her second test goes much the same. The woman leashes Lola and tries to get her to just sit still near the sheep so she can see they’re not scary. She dutifully sits but doesn’t look thrilled and one of the sheep starts snorting and stamping its foot, defeating the purpose.
After the test the woman asks me what I think rather then telling me outright that my dog is crap at herding. Many people are sensitive about their dogs so she’s probably hoping I’ve realized the obvious and I’ll save her having to say negative things. I spare her the discomfort and tell her I don’t think Lola & sheep will work out. It’s clear to both of us that Lola is scared and though we could try working through this I don’t see the point and she agrees. Lola will have to stick to herding tennis balls and stalking squirrels & prairie dogs.
Sunday, January 30
I wake up this morning to several inches of snow on my deckand a report of 8 inches of new snow at Eldora, the nearest ski resort to Boulder just 45 minutes away. I’ve only been skiing once this winter and that was in North Boulder park going in circles on fairly flat terrain. My husband and I decide to pack up the skis and head up the canyon. There’s a fresh layer of snow on the trees and cliffs in the canyon, very beautiful, but miraculously the roads are clear. When we get to Eldora it’s snowing very lightly but the sun is out, there’s no wind, it’s ridiculously mild and there’s loads of fresh snow. Perfect conditions!
Eldora is a wintertime mecca for off season triathletes and cyclists in part because skate skiing uses many of the same muscles as cycling. Also the Nordic trails at Eldora are some of the toughest in the country due to the high altitude (pushing 9000 feet) and extremely hilly terrain. I spot a mountain biker I know as I approach the Nordic center to buy my trail pass and I have to avoid her by going the long way around and climbing up a snow bank. She’s the most boring person on the planet and she’s clearly done with her skiing so if she sees me she’ll start talking non-stop about nothing for 45 minutes (if I’m lucky) and I’ll never get away. I wish I had a cell phone to warn my husband but thankfully she’s yakking away to some other poor victim and he spots her first and avoids her as well. Phew!
Some of the skate skiers are really obnoxious, going really fast and taking up the whole trail with their big long poles and wide stride. There are a couple of the beginner loops where most of them go because they can do laps and get some speed going while also getting some good hill climbs in. They congregate at the trail junction and you can hear them going on about their training regimes while their heart rate monitors beep away. We avoid those trails and go for the quieter ones. My favorite trail has been closed for several years due to a dispute with a private landowner but this year they must have worked it out because the trail is open. There’s no skate skiing allowed on this trail as it’s too narrow and heavily wooded and it feels more like a back country experience than being at a ski resort or a winter triathlon training camp. You have to go down a really long steep hill called Deadman’s Gulch to get to it and this scares mostof the families and novice skiers away so it’s pretty quiet. There are a few stream crossings and my husband takes one of them too fast and nearly ends up in the drink.Toward the end of the loop the snow starts coming down heavier and I pick up the pace because I don’t want to have to drive home down the canyon in a blizzard. I usually dread having to climb up Deadman’s Gulch but today it goes quickly. All that trail running has really been paying off. By the time we get to the parking lot the mountains have disappeared and we’re engulfed in a thick fog. I’m glad I wasn’t skiing on the regular ski mountain or on a chair lift when the front came in. We were out for about 2 1/4 hours and I’m hardly tired but I know I’ll be feeling it tomorrow. It was worth every sore muscle I’m likely to have.
Recap of race:
2 mile trail run (snow/ice): 20:34, ave. HR=151
T1: 49.61 secs.
3.5 mile bike (mtn. bike): 14:54, ave. HR=145 (14.1 mph)
T2: 57.36 secs.
2 mile trail run (snow/ice): 22:21, ave. HR=145
T3: 38.84 secs.
7.0 mile bike: 29:18, ave. HR=149
TOTAL: 1:30.13
Ave. HR was lower than the first race where it was around 154 and my pace was slower. I'm guessing it was down to the extreme cold and a heavy training week with no taper.
Totals for the week:
Swim: 2700 yards/1:15
Bike: 37.5 miles/2:34
Run: 16 miles/3:07
Walk: 3 miles/40 mins.
Weights: 20 minutes
TOTAL HRS.: 8:56
I’m working on a renovation of the Mattress King store in Denver and it happens to be on my way home from the race. I want to replace my 14 1/2 year old futon and this seems as good a place as any to get one plus I can take a quick look at the existing building. The renovations involve adding two 34 foot high turrets and changes to the façade so it will look like a castle. I mention to the salesmen that I’m working on the renovations and it turns out they’re really excited about their new castle look. I think the whole thing is pretty hilarious but I love that kind of stuff. Some dog agility person keeps a really cool website of roadside architecture (www.agilitynut.com/index.htmlscroll down and click on ‘roadside architecture’) and when the ‘castle’ gets built I’m going to send her a picture and see if it qualifies. This thing will be visible from both major highways that go through Denver which further adds to the absurdity and coolness of it. Anyway, they knock $40 off the price of the bed frame I want which I wasn’t really expecting. I mean why should they? I’m shocked they’re even willing to talk to me since I’m a stinky disheveled mess from the race. At first it seems I’ll have to wait 6 weeks for them to get the frame in from Canada but they call around and find one at another store. Whew! My back is screaming for a new bed.
Monday, Jan. 18
Today I’m tired and crabby so I take both dogs for a short 1 mile walk in the a.m. Usually they’re a handful to manage together but thankfully they’re well behaved today because I’m not in the mood for shenanigans.
Tonight is a master’s swim workout and I’m so tired I get out 15 minutes early. My ass is dragging anyway so there’s no point gutting it out. 1 hour, 2000 yards.
Tuesday, Jan. 19
REST. I’m tired & crabby again so decide I need a little more time to recover from the race.
Wednesday, Jan. 20
The sun is shining and I feel like a different person. The horrible cold seems a lifetime away. Temps. go up into the 60’s under a nice hot sun so I go for a bike ride on my lunch hour. 15 miles of pure bliss.
I have to go back to Mattress King today to meet with the architect and take some measurements. We end up in a warehouse/storage area above the salesroom floor and it’s like stepping back into another era. The area is huge and the floor to ceiling height is at least 2 stories. There are endless rows of shelves stacked floor to ceiling and a track running round the whole place for the forklift thingy. But the entire space is empty, nothing on the shelves, nada, zilch and I do mean literally nothing. It’s a testament to the golden age of manufacturing and retail in this country and a statement on the current state of affairs. Nobody keeps any stock on hand anymore and nothing’s made here anymore which is why I almost had to wait 6 weeks for a stupid bed frame to be imported from another country. This is no surprise to me of course but nonetheless a sobering experience to get a glimpse at the way things used to be.Thursday, Jan. 20
I don’t normally do 3 workouts in one day but it’s so gorgeous out I can’t help adding another lunch time bike ride. Two mile run in the a.m. with Lola because she needs it, 15 mile bike ride at lunch in the gorgeous 60 degree weather and a master’s swim workout after work (3150 yards). A woman is there for her first time and it turns out she’s just a bit faster than me which is perfect. I get the best workout if there’s someone there just a bit faster so I can pace myself off them and try to push myself a bit to keep up. I hate leading the lane because I’m terrible at pacing though getting a bit better. I’m still off my game a bit in the pool, doing 100’s at 1:50 when I’ve been able to do them at 1:40 easily in the past. Hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be back up to speed. I need to go twice a week to keep up with it and there were just too many pool cancellations due to holidays and swim meets but I think there’s only one more.
Friday, Jan. 21
Rest. I don’t really need it but I’m too tired to run in the morning after last night’s workout and the rest of the day is too busy. I take Cody to agility practice after work and he’s just awesome. I wish he’d be so good at the competitions.
Saturday, Jan. 22
My bed & mattress are coming today so someone needs to be home between 1:00 and 3:00 so the day is kind of shot. I take shifts with my husband and take Lola for a 6 mile trail run on the Foothills trail. Another gorgeous day, temps. in the 40’s but it’s so sunny it feels much warmer. Unfortunately while I’m gone the mattress people come and my husband doesn’t check to make sure they assemble it right so we have to take it apart and put it together again. I saw a t.v. show about the brain once and apparently men’s brains aren’t designed to focus on details, they’re more ‘big picture’ sort of thinkers. I need to keep this in mind more often.
Sunday, Jan. 23
Yet another gorgeous sunny day in the 60’s. I talk to my grandmother in Chicago this morning and she tells me she has 3 feet of snow piled up on her lawn. This is an exaggeration but still. It makes me appreciate my bike ride today even more.
I can’t decide if I should tool around on the dirt trails out on the plains or go to one of the mountain biking trails in the foothills or just take a long hill climb up one of the canyons. In the end I decide to do a bit of all three. The Lefthand Trail goes through the North Boulder Valley and it’s a bit rolling but not difficult or technical. It goes through lots of prairie dog towns and they kick up a fuss when I pass through. I have to pass some people walking their llamas and I slow way down since I have no idea how these beasts will react. Two of them ignore me but one of them makes a weird sort of squeaky grunt as I go by, like he’s trying to decide if he’s pissed off or not. I don’t give him a chance to make up his mind.
I have to go on the road for a few miles to reach Left Hand Canyon which will take me up to the trailhead for Heil ranch. There’s a 2 mile stretch of dirt road that leads through land still owned and ranched by the Heil’s and it’s both beautiful and creepy. There’s a weird history of rape & incest in the Heil family and the ranch has some occupied buildings but also lots of old, crumbling ones as well as lots of rusted, abandoned farm equipment and vehicles including a sky blue school bus. I try to focus on the surrounding cliffs rather than what went on here lo the many years ago.
The trail is an 8 mile ride that I wrote about on my first entry. I’m a little braver today, riding through some rock gardens and making it through all the switchbacks, both up and down, without having to put a foot down or get off and walk.
After I finish with Heil I head up Left Hand Canyon to Olde Stage Rd. which will take me back to Boulder. This is a popular cycling route and in fact is the most challenging part of the Boulder Peak triathlon course in reverse. Left Hand isn’t too bad but Olde Stage is a bad ass climb, especially in the direction I’m doing it. It’s one of the few places I get knee pain on my bike so I make sure I’m in my granny gear for the worst of it. Going down I have to watch for deer. I know someone that was going 45 mph down this hill and hit a deer. Broken collar bone and 6 weeks in the hospital but he lived to tell the tale. I manage to make it back without splattering Bambi or myself. 30.4 miles, 3:44 hours.
Dist./Time for the week:
Swim: 5100 yards/2:15
Bike: Off Road: 20.0 miles/2:45
Road: 30.4/3:05
Run: 8 miles/1:26
Walk: 1 miles/20 mins.
TOTAL HRS.: 9:51
One of my goals for this year is to improve my recordkeeping so maybe if I try to do it publicly it'll force me to keep up with it.
My big race for this year is going to be a half Ironman (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run), probably in September but I haven't chosen a race yet. I'm debating over whether I want to spend the time and money travelling to an out of town race (California) or go for the more boring but cheaper and convenient race here in town. I hate to travel so right now I'm leaning toward the local race.
Since it's my first 1/2 Ironman I probably shouldn't set a time goal but secretly I'd like to finish under 6 hours. I'll need a lot of work on the bike to be able to do that. I've done 4 marathons, lots of sprint tri's and a few Olympic tri's but never a race that lasts 6 hours or more so I'm not sure what to expect.
The tough part about the training will be making time for it all along with training my dogs and going to dog agility trials. These competitions take the whole weekend and I do them once a month or so so I'm going to add some extra weeks to the training program I'm setting up.
January 1
Three mile walk in the a.m. with the dogs around Wonderland Lake, which is the open space area nearest to me. I'm going to track my walking because I think it effects my training. I may need to cut back on it when the mileage starts to get heavy but it's hard to explain that to active Border Collies who don't get the concept of a rest day.
Mountain Biking at Heil Ranch. This used to be an easy trail but every year it gets more technical due to heavy use and erosion. I probably should be out putting in mileage on my road bike but I did that yesterday and I can't bear the thought of being out on the boring road again. I have to hit the trails when the weather permits or I'll lose my mind. The trail is a steady steep climb through a forest up to a loop with a beautiful view of the valley below/Hall Ranch (another popular mtn. biking area) and the Continental Divide off in the distance. It's not the most breathtaking view by Colorado standards but considering I drove only 12 minutes to the trailhead I'll take it. I manage to finish the ride with all limbs intact. Every year I lose a little more of my nerve and though I'm telling myself the trail's gotten rockier, deep down I'm sure it's actually my nerve that's eroding.
8 miles, approx. 1:20 hours
January 2
Dog agility practice in the morning with both dogs. There's a masters (most difficult level of competition) course set up and I get a good deal of sprinting in. I almost tweak my knees a couple of time trying to beat my dog out of a tunnel then turning sharply on my knees to cross in front of him and change his direction. I've seen a top competitor go down with a bad ACL tear trying to do this but it's a common manuever in agility so I need to practice it.
In the afternoon it's a trail run on the Wonderland/Foothills trail with my Border Collie Lola. My other dog Cody, a Border Collie mix, was supposed to be my original running partner but he hates it and makes my life a misery by stopping to pee on everything. He's a male so he can't help himself. I leave him home for most of my runs. The trail runs along where the plains slam into the foothills and it's one of my favorites. There are some steep and technical places but for the most part it just ambles along through prairie dog towns and yucca patches. The prairie dogs taunt Lola and it makes her crazy. Her prey drive is inherent and through the roof so I have to keep her leashed. She almost takes me down a few times trying to get at them.
6 miles, approx. 1:15 hours
YTD: Swim-0
Bike: 8 miles, 1:20 hrs.
Run: 6 miles, 1:15 hrs
Walking: 3 miles, 1 hour
Weights: 0